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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winnipeg, Manitoba > Winnipeg Street in Rain
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27-MAY-2012 Ruth Voorhis

Winnipeg Street in Rain

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Paul Milholland07-Jun-2012 04:17
Looks like it was an excellent night to be inside shooting thru the window.
Bea.06-Jun-2012 22:45
This is fantastic Ruth, you can almost feel the rain. Well done
Guest 06-Jun-2012 20:27
Great shot Ruth, love the mood and feeling here.
Laura Milholland06-Jun-2012 19:45
Nicely shot, Ruth. I love seeing the headlights reflect off the wet pavement, and the nice overall view of the city.
Barry Ailetcher06-Jun-2012 19:41
outstanding image Ruth looks cold and wet
fotabug06-Jun-2012 15:59
This is a superb image, Ruth! It makes a rainy day in the city attractive and appealing. V
Ed Duverger06-Jun-2012 15:40
Perfect rendition of a dark rainy day.Very good reflections and sharpness.The combo camera +lens and you of course did a great job.
Ann06-Jun-2012 13:45
Fantastic shot in the rain Ruth. Love the headlights reflecting on the wet road. *v*
Guest 06-Jun-2012 13:42
I love this atmospheric image, and really love those wet streets.
Roger Bailey06-Jun-2012 13:41
Very nice reflections. I has been a bit like that over here too.
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