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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winnipeg, Manitoba > Entrance Hall upper view
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16-MAR-2010 Ruth Voorhis

Entrance Hall upper view

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Jack Hoying31-Mar-2010 02:52
Beautiful job with the exposure! I assume you did some HDR work here?
Guest 28-Mar-2010 21:50
What a wonderful interior. Great shots of those buildings!
Paul Milholland27-Mar-2010 21:51
Good job with the framing and exposure, Ruth.
Laura Milholland27-Mar-2010 17:26
Wonderful in every way, Ruth!
Ed Duverger27-Mar-2010 15:39
Again excellent result with your D700.And if the lens is not the most expensive one it shure gives superb pics,so no need to spend lots of money.
Ann27-Mar-2010 10:56
Another excellent image Ruth. Wonderful lighting and composition.
Guest 27-Mar-2010 01:48
Beautifully taken Ruth! It's a magnificent building though I'm not sure the austere stonework really looks right under that incredible ceiling!
fotabug27-Mar-2010 01:48
So well done! It is sure a beautiful place and you brought out the best
Bea.26-Mar-2010 23:45
Very elegant, wonderful colour scheme. Superbly taken Ruth.
Roger Bailey26-Mar-2010 22:41
Great image, an ornate ceiling.
Barry Ailetcher26-Mar-2010 19:07
another super image Ruth
Guest 26-Mar-2010 17:28
What can I say but WOW!! You did a beautiful job.
Guest 26-Mar-2010 17:14
A really well executed image.
paplvr26-Mar-2010 17:05
Stunning light and very little grain at that ISO but hey, its a D700. Linda S
Rev. Kelly Todd26-Mar-2010 17:02
another very nice image!
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