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This collection of pictures is dedicated to those gentlemen who took the time to show a kid the art of cable logging and rigging systems.

These pictures are here for you guys to enjoy, and if you have any pictures you'd like me to post, send an email to
and we'll put your name on your pictures and get them put up here for the logging fans to enjoy!

If you see or suspect a mistake or mis-identified machine PLEASE leave a comment! I'm not a know-it-all and I sure could use your help with this!
ALSO- If you know a machine personally, worked around it, or anything- please add a comment or a story! Your input would be greatly appreciated!

Skagit Yarders Picture  Gallery
Skagit Yarders Picture Gallery
Washington Iron Works Picture Gallery
Washington Iron Works Picture Gallery
Berger Yarders-  Picture Gallery
Berger Yarders- Picture Gallery
Thunderbird/Ross  - Picture Gallery
Thunderbird/Ross - Picture Gallery
Madill Yarders Picture Gallery
Madill Yarders Picture Gallery
Madill Loaders, Etc - Picture Gallery
Madill Loaders, Etc - Picture Gallery
'Other' Cool Yarders Picture Gallery
'Other' Cool Yarders Picture Gallery
Firewood,  Salvage, and Hobby Yarders
Firewood, Salvage, and Hobby Yarders
Log Loader Gallery: Link-Belt
Log Loader Gallery: Link-Belt
Log Loader Gallery: Bucyrus-Erie
Log Loader Gallery: Bucyrus-Erie
Log Loader Gallery:  Barko Hydraulics
Log Loader Gallery: Barko Hydraulics
Log Loader Gallery: Bantam/Koehring/Lorain
Log Loader Gallery: Bantam/Koehring/Lorain
 Trucking Gallery: The Log Haulers
Trucking Gallery: The Log Haulers
Log Stacker Gallery: Unloading Machines
Log Stacker Gallery: Unloading Machines
My First 'Real' Yarder - A 1970's Pedal Toy
My First 'Real' Yarder - A 1970's Pedal Toy
'Small Scale Logger' Toys & Models
'Small Scale Logger' Toys & Models
My Own Logging Fun: The 1990's
My Own Logging Fun: The 1990's
'Alaska Logging I'  The Boom Years
'Alaska Logging I' The Boom Years
'Alaska Logging II'  RainForest Rust
'Alaska Logging II' RainForest Rust
My Quiet Life Today: Big Beautiful Alaska
My Quiet Life Today: Big Beautiful Alaska
Tribute Gallery: Robert E. Byron Jr.
Tribute Gallery: Robert E. Byron Jr.
'Mack Trucks' Early Promo Sales Book
'Mack Trucks' Early Promo Sales Book
1949 Young Iron Works 'Product Catalog'
1949 Young Iron Works 'Product Catalog'
Timberjack Gallery
Timberjack Gallery
1976 Skagit  History Booklet
1976 Skagit History Booklet
FMC Skidder Gallery
FMC Skidder Gallery
Washington Iron Works Catalog No. B-63
Washington Iron Works Catalog No. B-63