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TheRustyGrapple | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for TheRustyGrapple
Name TheRustyGrapple (joined 06-Mar-2011) (pbase supporter)
Username rustygrapple
Location Timber Country
Timber Country
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View Galleries : TheRustyGrapple has 30 galleries and 2380 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 3602096 times.

View Guestbook : 22 messages. Most recent on 06-Apr-2021.

Message from TheRustyGrapple
I've been taking pictures and collecting logging memorabilia since the mid 1970's. I finally realized that there were other folks around who enjoy the same thing I do.
Since I've been enjoying these pics at home by myself for years, I thought I'd better post a few of these so you can enjoy them as well.

As you may have noticed, the big slackline yarders are the real objects of my affection. Nothing beats a long-span tower setting!

Have a great time and enjoy the old logging images and literature!
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