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Rose Atkinson | profile | all galleries >> Featured galleries >> Wet pavements tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Altered images | Published | Shadowplay | Portraits in time | Dandelions | Wet pavements | Life and times of Trafalgar Square

Wet pavements

Mirrored pavements 1 Bike rack Mirrored pavements 2 Mirrored pavements 3
Striding out Long shadow Day-glo Wet and blue
Wet and blue 2 Wet and blue 3 Splash Loafers
Love reflected Wet pavements Wet pavements 2 Two pigeons
Girl with yellow coat Go left Yellow lines 2 Blue and yellow
Rainbow buggy Yellow lines South Bank Red, white and blue
Shadows 4 Shadows 4 Shadows 3 Shadows 2
Shadows Under cover Faceless tourists Reflections
One red leaf Blue water Pigeon Girl in a red coat
Stepping out 2 Twilight people Stepping out Twilight people 2