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Rose Atkinson | profile | all galleries >> Featured galleries >> Dandelions tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Altered images | Published | Shadowplay | Portraits in time | Dandelions | Wet pavements | Life and times of Trafalgar Square


Halo 2 Burnished orange Fiery orange Ice white Flyaway.jpg
Sea green Lavender drops 2 Sunshine yellow Baby blue Lime green
Diamond drops Sunburst 4 Sunburst 3 Fireflies 2 Sunburst 2
Sunburst 5 Halo Break free Fairy spores Blowing in the wind 3
4 Aug... Getting closer 5 May... Starlight Bare 11 May... Trapped Bid for freedom !
6 May... Exploding star Dandelion Dandelion 8 Apr... Dandelion cloud 27 Apr... Delicate
Delicate 2 Red bug 29 Jul... They got it wrong ! 16 Apr... Stark Fluffy
7 Apr... Only a weed 10 May... Starfield 7 Jul... Twisted 2 Apr... Dandy Yellow weed
12 Apr... A little drop of sunshine 13 Apr... Solar flare Busy bee Yellow rays Eclipse
Silhouette Triptych