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Robert Nielsen | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Seascapes tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

In Box | Music | Street | Venice - Italy | Milan - Italy | London - England | Four season | Around Denmark - Short stories/anecdotes, architecture and landscapes | Djursland, Kalø, Mols og Helgenæs - Jylland | Jernhatten - A hill near the coast | Seascapes | Maritime - Harbour and lighthouse | Shadows and reflection | B&W - monochrome, duotone and B&W-color | Macro - Butterflies, Moths, Dragonflies and Damselflies | Macro - Other macros | Birds - In Nature | Animals, amphibian and reptiles - In Nature | Animals - At the Zoo & Deer parks | Miscellaneous | Evening- and nightpicture


I was born on a small island. So it is in my natur to spent a lot of time near the sea, as shown in this gallery.
Other picture from the sea on:

Jeg er ø-født. Så for mig det er meget naturligt at være ved kysten, som det også ses i dette galleri
Andre billeder fra kysten:

North, south, east and west. Look out to the corner of the world
North, south, east and west. Look out to the corner of the world
A clear late summer day
A clear late summer day
Quiet sea . . . threatening sky
Quiet sea . . . threatening sky
Late summer
Late summer
The only connection to the island
The only connection to the island
Rays from the sundown
Rays from the sundown
Cows on the beach
Cows on the beach
Rays from the December sun
Rays from the December sun
Saturday afternoon by Svendborg Bay
Saturday afternoon by Svendborg Bay
Sundown in the bay
Sundown in the bay
Autumn with rays from the sundown
Autumn with rays from the sundown
Sundown / Solnedgang
Sundown / Solnedgang
Windmills near the sea / Vindmøller ved havet
Windmills near the sea / Vindmøller ved havet
Shell from the sea / Sneglehuse fra havet
Shell from the sea / Sneglehuse fra havet
Snail and scallop shell / Sneglehus og muslingeskaller
Snail and scallop shell / Sneglehus og muslingeskaller
A day in April / En dag i april
A day in April / En dag i april
Spring / Forår
Spring / Forår
Spring / Forår
Spring / Forår
Just before sundown  / Lige inden solnedgang
Just before sundown / Lige inden solnedgang
After sundown / Aftenstemning
After sundown / Aftenstemning
The price of energy / Prisen for energi
The price of energy / Prisen for energi
Sea around Fyen / Sydfynske øhav
Sea around Fyen / Sydfynske øhav
Early evening by the sea / Tidlig aften ved havet
Early evening by the sea / Tidlig aften ved havet
Boat by the shore / Både ved kysten
Boat by the shore / Både ved kysten
The Cliffs of Møn / Møns Klint
The Cliffs of Møn / Møns Klint
The Cliffs of Møn / Møns Klint
The Cliffs of Møn / Møns Klint
The Cliffs of Møn / Møns Klint
The Cliffs of Møn / Møns Klint
Between two seas / Mellem to have
Between two seas / Mellem to have
Low tide / Ebbe
Low tide / Ebbe
The coastline / Kystlinjen
The coastline / Kystlinjen
Indian summer / Sensommer
Indian summer / Sensommer
Shadows and reflection in the sea / Skygger og reflection i havet
Shadows and reflection in the sea / Skygger og reflection i havet
Winter by the sea / Vinter ved kysten
Winter by the sea / Vinter ved kysten
Winther by the sea / Vinter ved havet
Winther by the sea / Vinter ved havet
Ice bell by the sea / Is klokker ved havet
Ice bell by the sea / Is klokker ved havet
Near the seaside / Nær havet
Near the seaside / Nær havet
Sun with a bit of late afternoon mist / Sol med lidt sen eftermiddags dis
Sun with a bit of late afternoon mist / Sol med lidt sen eftermiddags dis
Sun with a bit of late afternoon mist / Sol med lidt sen eftermiddags dis
Sun with a bit of late afternoon mist / Sol med lidt sen eftermiddags dis
Mist in the sun over the bay  / Sol dis over sundet
Mist in the sun over the bay / Sol dis over sundet
A day by the sea / En dag ved havet
A day by the sea / En dag ved havet
Night at the harbour / Nat i havnen
Night at the harbour / Nat i havnen
Reflections in the sea / Reflektioner i havet
Reflections in the sea / Reflektioner i havet
Reflection and shadows near the sea /  Refektioner og skygger ved havet
Reflection and shadows near the sea / Refektioner og skygger ved havet
A resting period for the cormorant / En pause for skarven
A resting period for the cormorant / En pause for skarven