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Robert Nielsen | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Music tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

In Box | Music | Street | Venice - Italy | Milan - Italy | London - England | Four season | Around Denmark - Short stories/anecdotes, architecture and landscapes | Djursland, Kalø, Mols og Helgenæs - Jylland | Jernhatten - A hill near the coast | Seascapes | Maritime - Harbour and lighthouse | Shadows and reflection | B&W - monochrome, duotone and B&W-color | Macro - Butterflies, Moths, Dragonflies and Damselflies | Macro - Other macros | Birds - In Nature | Animals, amphibian and reptiles - In Nature | Animals - At the Zoo & Deer parks | Miscellaneous | Evening- and nightpicture


Trend Cowboy
Trend Cowboy
Trend Cowboy
Trend Cowboy
Music at the the town square
Music at the the town square
The guitarsolo
The guitarsolo
Pop and conffetti
Pop and conffetti
300 pounds of heavenly  joy - Vocals and guitar
300 pounds of heavenly joy - Vocals and guitar
300 pounds of heavenly  joy - The drummer
300 pounds of heavenly joy - The drummer
The blues
The blues
The blues
The blues
Vinyl - nostalgia with a new record player
Vinyl - nostalgia with a new record player
Grandpa's Shuffle - The solo
Grandpa's Shuffle - The solo
Grandpa's Shuffle - rock/jump and swingblues
Grandpa's Shuffle - rock/jump and swingblues
Grandpa's Shuffle - rock/jump and swingblues
Grandpa's Shuffle - rock/jump and swingblues
An imaginary record / Et tænkt album
An imaginary record / Et tænkt album
Groove, riff . . . or ?
Groove, riff . . . or ?