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Barbara Read and Fred Schaad | all galleries >> US Landscapes >> California >> Mono Lake > Mono Lake Dawn
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Sept 2005 Fred Schaad

Mono Lake Dawn

Mono Lake, California

Image made on the shores of Mono Lake in the early hours of the morning.

Canon EOS 3 ,Canon 28-135mm IS,Fujichrome Velvia
No levels or curves adjustments, some minor shadow adjustments and USM only. The image is pretty much straight out of the can. full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 01-Apr-2012 18:03
Gorgeous landscape with beautiful conditions. V
Andy Rowlands22-Dec-2011 16:16
Spectacular lighting! V
Georgia Roessler06-Nov-2011 17:59
Dynamite color and composition!
munir16-Apr-2011 14:02
Beautiful image. There is no alternative of good old velvia
Walter Otto Koenig01-Mar-2008 17:02
Beautiful composition. Great light. A beautiful image. "V"
Guest 01-Dec-2006 12:30
Beautiful, well-balanced landscape image....V
Richard Calmes20-Aug-2006 19:08
This one is beautiful!! Great light! V
Guest 26-May-2006 22:52
Wonderful shot!!!!
Mostafa Moftah19-May-2006 13:41
Voted :)
Guest 02-Apr-2006 15:29
Lovely Shot! Lovely Colours!
Rian Houston30-Mar-2006 13:06
Wow! Great color!