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Barbara Read and Fred Schaad | all galleries >> US Landscapes >> California >> Mono Lake > Mono Lake Aglow
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Sept 2005 Barbara Read

Mono Lake Aglow

Mono Lake, California

This is another shot (of many, lol) taken that September morning at Mono Lake. I still haven't scanned
all my rolls of film yet from that trip. I expect to find even more shots from Lee Vining amongst
those rolls. So far, it looks like I'll have a few keepers from the bunch.

As alway, comments and feedback gratefully welcomed! Smile

Canon EOS Elan 7 ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM ,Fujichrome Velvia
Aperture priority f22, bracketed
circ. polarizer, Tiffen 512 warming filter, tripod. Slide scanned, small crop off the bottom and tweaked in PS full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Pieter Bos17-Jan-2012 11:24
Great landscape image! ~V
Marco Valk21-Dec-2011 18:59
Amazing. This is a breathtaking image.
Paul L-R26-Sep-2008 21:35
Beautiful light and excellent composition makes for a winning combination, Barbara. Excellent. V
globalgadabout13-Jan-2008 23:32
gorgeous, vibrant, and such a wonderful sky...V
Mostafa Moftah19-May-2006 13:40
Voted :)
james200218-May-2006 01:58
Great lighting in this one. I don't think you could take a bad picture here even if you wanted to.
Rian Houston30-Mar-2006 13:08
Nice color and detail!
Guest 20-Mar-2006 09:15
Very Nice! Love the colours!