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Barbara Read and Fred Schaad | profile | all galleries >> US Landscapes >> California tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Death Valley
:: Death Valley ::
Galetta Meadows
:: Galetta Meadows ::
Joshua Tree National Park
:: Joshua Tree National Park ::
Mono Lake
:: Mono Lake ::
Napa Valley
:: Napa Valley ::
Salton Sea
:: Salton Sea ::
San Francisco
:: San Francisco ::
:: Yosemite ::
A Favourite Haunt
A Favourite Haunt
Anything but Neglected
Anything but Neglected
Autumn Harvest
Autumn Harvest
Big Sur
Big Sur
Carmel Mission
Carmel Mission
Coast - Big Sur
Coast - Big Sur
Coast Cypress
Coast Cypress
Domaine Carneros
Domaine Carneros
End of the Day
End of the Day
Mid-century Modern
Mid-century Modern
Mission San Carlos Borroméo de Carmelo
Mission San Carlos Borroméo de Carmelo
Palm Springs
Palm Springs
Point Reyes Light
Point Reyes Light
Point Reyes Light
Point Reyes Light
Point Reyes Lighthouse in B&W
Point Reyes Lighthouse in B&W
Sierra Blush
Sierra Blush
Some Tree
Some Tree
Sonoma Vineyards
Sonoma Vineyards
Sunset Over the Sierras
Sunset Over the Sierras
The Backroads of Sonoma
The Backroads of Sonoma
Vineyard Panorama
Vineyard Panorama
Vineyards of Sonoma
Vineyards of Sonoma