Costa Rica Tours
Africa Tours
Carden Alvar
Snakes with Amy Fennell
Big Cats
Haliburton Forest Wolves
Algonquin Provinicial Park
Allegany State Park, New York State, USA
Amherst Island, Ontario, Canada
Bronte Creek, Oakville Ontario, Canada
Burlington Lift Bridge Canal, Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Dubique, Iowa, USA
Fifty Point Conservation Area
Humber Park, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Hutches ponds, Stoney Creek, Ontario., Canada
LaSalle Park, Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Niagara Wetlands, St. Catharines Ontario, Canada
Rock Point Provincial Park
Valley Inn Drive, Burlington Ontario, Canada
Valley Inn Drive, Burlington Ontario, Canada
 Northern Shovelers 3 |
 Northern Shoveler 2 |
 Northern Shoveler 4 |
 Ring-billed Gull in flight 4 |
 Canada Geese in flight |
 Great Blue Heron 69 |
 Great Blue Heron 67 |
 Great Blue Heron 62 |
 Great Blue chasing an Egret 64 |
 Great Egret 24 |
 Great Egret 25 |
 Black Crowned Night Heron 45 |
 Monarch Butterfly 40 |
 Green Heron 26 |
 Black Crowned Night Heron 41 |
 Double-Crested Cormorant 12 |
 Black Crowned Night Heron |
 Turkey Vulture |
 Great Blue Heron 61 |
 Lesser Yellow legs 19 |
 Caspian Tern |
 Caspian Tern |
 Mallard doing its thing! |
 Mallards on the move! |
 Caspian Tern |
 Least Sandpiper 6 |
 Short-billed Dowicher 15 |
 Short-billed Dowicher 13 |
 Lesser Yellow legs 13 |
 Black Crowned Night Heron in Flight 38 |
 Osprey 45 |
 Osprey 43 |
 Least Sandpiper 4 |
 Black Crowned Night Heron 37 |
 Great Blue Heron 44 |
 Heron in Flight 17 |
 Heron Portrait 20 |
 Great Blue Heron 5 |
 Great Blue Heron 6 |
 Great Blue Heron w Catfish 7 |
 Heron at Rattray 32 |
 Great Blue Heron 1 |
click on thumbnails for full image