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Raymond J Barlow | profile | all galleries >> Galleries by Location >> LaSalle Park, Burlington, Ontario, Canada tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

conowingo_dam | Costa Rica Tours | Africa Tours | Carden Alvar | Snakes with Amy Fennell | Big Cats | Haliburton Forest Wolves | Algonquin Provinicial Park | Allegany State Park, New York State, USA | Amherst Island, Ontario, Canada | Bronte Creek, Oakville Ontario, Canada | Burlington Lift Bridge Canal, Burlington, Ontario, Canada | Dubique, Iowa, USA | Fifty Point Conservation Area | Florida | Humber Park, Toronto, Ontario, Canada | Hutches ponds, Stoney Creek, Ontario., Canada | LaSalle Park, Burlington, Ontario, Canada | Niagara Wetlands, St. Catharines Ontario, Canada | Philippines | Rock Point Provincial Park | Valley Inn Drive, Burlington Ontario, Canada

LaSalle Park, Burlington, Ontario, Canada

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Redhead 9
Redhead 9
Female Bufflehead 16
Female Bufflehead 16
Foggy Industrial
Foggy Industrial
Mute Swan 11
Mute Swan 11
Flying Kiss from Maria
Flying Kiss from Maria
Red-breasted Merganser Male 3
Red-breasted Merganser Male 3
Male Bufflehead 29
Male Bufflehead 29
Canada Goose  11
Canada Goose 11
Northern Pintail Couple 7
Northern Pintail Couple 7
Male Mallard 26
Male Mallard 26
Male Northern Pintail 5
Male Northern Pintail 5
Male Mallard 25
Male Mallard 25
Male Northern Pintail 2
Male Northern Pintail 2
Male Mallard 24
Male Mallard 24
Male Mallard 42
Male Mallard 42
Female Mallard 22
Female Mallard 22
Mallard Couple 41
Mallard Couple 41
American Coots 3
American Coots 3
Canvasback 1
Canvasback 1
Redhead 4
Redhead 4
Canada Geese  9
Canada Geese 9
Redhead 1
Redhead 1
American Coot 1
American Coot 1
Male Wood Duck 2
Male Wood Duck 2
Male RWBB 1
Male RWBB 1
Swans and Geese 40
Swans and Geese 40
Male Wood Duck 1
Male Wood Duck 1
Male Wood Duck 4
Male Wood Duck 4
Female Bufflehead 4
Female Bufflehead 4
Male Bufflehead 16
Male Bufflehead 16
Sweet  Chipmunk
Sweet Chipmunk