Bald Eagle in Flight - Florida |
 Great Egret and Great Frog - Florida |
 Great Blue Herons Nesting - Florida |
 Burrowing Owls - Florida |
 Purple Gallinule Lift Off |
 Great Blue Heron in Flight |
 Purple Gallinule Posing |
 Great Egret with a Free Lunch |
 Little blue heron in Flight |
 Great egret and Lunch |
 Tricolored heron Fishing |
 Barred Owl |
 Great White Egret in Flight - Florida |
 Tricolored heron in Flight - Florida |
 Purple Gallinule Posing |
 Snowy Egret in Flight |
 Tri-colored heron portrait - Florida Tours |
 Green heron in Florida |
 Roseate Spoonbill in Flight |
 Barred Owl - Florida |
 Great egret family Nest |
 Sandhill crane family |
 Great egret Chicks in Florida |
 Snowy Egret in Flight |
 Snowy egret in Flight |
 Purple Gallinule on the Run - Florida tours |
 Roseate Spoonbill in Flight |
 Purple Gallinule Chasing |
 Tri-coloured Heron Lift Off |
 Little Blue Heron in Flight |
 Brown pelican Chases a Cormorant |
 Moorhen in Florida on the Run |
 Snowy Egret in Flight - Freedom |
 Belted Kingfisher Hunting |
 Red-bellied woodpecker |
 Barred Owl Chick |
 Barred Owlet - Florida |
 Barred Owlet - Florida |
 Barred Owl Chick |
 Osprey close up with Fish |
 Osprey Landing |
 Sandhill Crane Colt |
 Least Bittern in Florida |
 Snail Kite with Dinner |
 Tricolored Heron in Flight - Florida |
 Purple Gallinule Landing |
 Least Bittern - Florida Swamp |
 Cattle Egret in Florida |
 Belted Kingfisher in the Rain |
 Purple Gallinule in Flight |
 Peregrine Falcon in Florida |
 Juvenile red shouldered hawk |
 Little Green Heron Fishing |
 Tricolored Heron in Flight |
 Pied-billed grebe |
 Great egret and a Catfish Lunch! |
 Great Blue Heron with a Greater Siren for Lunch |
 Boat-tailed Grackle |
 Great Blue Hero in Rainstorm |
 Burrowing Owl - Swarovski Scope |
 Forster's tern Fishing |
 Forster's tern Fishing |
 Roseate Spoonbill - Swarovski Scope |
 Belted Kingfisher looking for lunch! |
 River Otters at Play |
 Forster"s tern with Lunch |
 White ibis and a snake |
 Male Osprey landing on his Mate |
 Red-shouldered hawk Hunting |
 Burrowing Owl - Swarovski Scope |
 Tri-colored heron with catfish |
 Great Horned Owl Nest |
 Monarch Butterfly in Flight |
 Osprey Dive |
 Bald Eagle with Stolen Breakfast |
 Osprey Male with Dinner |
 Osprey Family Dinner |
 Incoming Osprey with Breakfast |
 Great Blue Heron with a Snake |
 Barn Swallows |
 TriColoured Heron 27 |
 American Coots 7 |
 Moorhen 2 |
 Green Heron 19 |
 Green Heron 16 |
 Green Heron 15 |
 Green Heron 13 |
 Least Bittern 2 |
 Limpkin 3 |
 Moorhen 1 |
 Great Blue Heron 42 |
 Viera Wetlands |
 Anhinga 4 |
 Green Heron 12 |
 Green Heron 11 |
 Great Blue Heron 40 |
 Anhinga 3 |
 Glossy Ibis 4 |
 White ibis 10 |
 TriColoured Heron 25 |
 Sandhill Crane 2 |
 Sandhill Crane 3 |
 Great Blue Heron 38 |
 Limpkin 1 |
 Limpkin 2 |
 TriColoured Heron 22 |
 Green Heron 8 |
 Glossy Ibis 2 |
 Green Heron 4 |
 Least Bittern 1 |
 Woodstork 11 |
 Woodstork 12 |
 TriColoured Heron 21 |
 Heron at Canaveral |
 Purple Gallinule 8 |
 Purple Gallinule 7 |
 Great Egret 19 |
 Great Egret 20 |
 Great Blue Heron 34 |
 Purple Gallinule 5 |
 Purple Gallinule 4 |
 Purple Gallinule 3 |
 Purple Gallinule 1 |
 White Ibis 7 |
 Little Blue Heron 7 |
 Roseate Spoonbill 13 |
 Little Blue Heron 6 |
 Great Blue Heron 58 |
 Great Blue Heron 43 |
 Woodstork 10 |
 Roseate Spoonbills 4 |
 Roseate Spoonbill 11 |
 Roseate Spoonbill 1 |
 Roseate Spoonbill 9 |
 Roseate Spoonbill 2 |
 Cattle Egret 8 |
 Snowy Egret 5 |
 TriColoured Heron 18 |
 TriColoured Heron 20 |
 TriColoured Heron 16 |
 Green Heron 2 |
 Glossy Ibis 1 |
 Brown Pelican 2 |
 Snowy Egret 3 |
 Great Blue Heron 29 |
 Brown Pelican 1 |
 Reddish Egret 2 |
 Burrowing Owl 6 |
 Burrowing Owl 5 |
 Burrowing Owl 2 |
 TriColoured Heron 15 |
 TriColoured Heron 14 |
 White Ibis 4 |
 White Ibis 5 |
 Great Egret 16 |
 Great Egret 16 |
 Woodstork 8 |
 Woodstork 4 |
 White Ibis 3 |
 Sandhill Crane 1 |
 Anhinga 1 |
 Double-crested Cormorant 9 |
 Snowy Egret 2 |
 Great Egret 15 |
 Great Egret 13 |
 Snowy Egret 1 |