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Phil Douglis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gallery One: Travel Abstractions -- Unlimited Thought > Brass Elephant, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2010
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Brass Elephant, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2010

The evening shadows abstracted the head of this work of decorative art for me. All I needed to do was to frame it tightly, and use my spot meter to expose for the brightest part of the image – the trunk. The image offers a haunting reminder that the elephant itself may be slowly headed to extinction.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1
1/400s f/4.6 at 91.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Phil Douglis12-Aug-2010 17:53
Thanks, Giuseppe, for this comment. You make a good point about dimensionality here. The same play of light and shadow that abstracts the image also creates the illusion of depth. A photograph is two-dimensional in nature. It only has height and width. It is up to the photographer to create this illusion of depth, and the highlights playing against the shadows here reflect the dimensionality of the elephant here, which gives the photograph that "third-dimensional" effect.
Guest 12-Aug-2010 10:29
I really love the golden tone here and the light&shadow gives the right three-dimensional aspect.
Phil Douglis24-Jun-2010 18:42
I see the leaves now -- they are black abstract shapes in the upper center and upper right. You have willed them to appear as green. Thanks, Rose.
Phil Douglis23-Jun-2010 18:52
Thanks, Rose. I agree on the texture and color here. But where are those green leaves that you see as so hopeful?
sunlightpix23-Jun-2010 00:45
Wonderful textures and colors. The green leaves give me hope.
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