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Peter Hollinger | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Panama 2017 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Panama 2017

Mass Audubon birding trip led by Bill Gette.
Canopy Tower above Panama City, Canopy Lodge in El Valle de Anton, and an extension to Canopy Camp in the Darien.
See also Donna's gallery and all my observations on iNaturalist.
Arawacus aetolus stripestreak
Arawacus aetolus stripestreak
Stingless bee flying
Stingless bee flying
Stingless bee nest
Stingless bee nest
Stingless bee nest
Stingless bee nest
Red Postman (Heliconius erato) on Lantana
Red Postman (Heliconius erato) on Lantana
Gray Cracker (Hamadryas februa)
Gray Cracker (Hamadryas februa)
Rufous nightjar (Antrostomus rufus)
Rufous nightjar (Antrostomus rufus)
Panama Blonde Tarantula (Psalmopoeus pulcher)
Panama Blonde Tarantula (Psalmopoeus pulcher)
Carmine Skimmer (Orthemis discolor)
Carmine Skimmer (Orthemis discolor)
Darner laying eggs in puddle
Darner laying eggs in puddle
Walking schmutz bug
Walking schmutz bug
Jumping spider
Jumping spider
Gall fruit fly on Gurania makoyana
Gall fruit fly on Gurania makoyana
Great Potoo
Great Potoo
Slaty-tailed Trogons (Trogon massena)
Slaty-tailed Trogons (Trogon massena)
Fire beetle click beetle Pyrophorus
Fire beetle click beetle Pyrophorus
Geoffroy's Tamarin (Saguinus geoffroyi)
Geoffroy's Tamarin (Saguinus geoffroyi)
Whooping Motmot (Momotus subrufescens)
Whooping Motmot (Momotus subrufescens)
Huntsman Spider under leaf
Huntsman Spider under leaf
Fat black-and-gold jumping spider
Fat black-and-gold jumping spider
Panama City and Centennial Bridge from the observation deck
Panama City and Centennial Bridge from the observation deck
Golden Silk Orbweaver (Nephila clavipes)
Golden Silk Orbweaver (Nephila clavipes)
Banded Peacock (Anartia fatima)
Banded Peacock (Anartia fatima)
Property for sale
Property for sale
Roadside Orchid
Roadside Orchid
Tiger Mimic-White (Dismorphia amphione) on Gurania
Tiger Mimic-White (Dismorphia amphione) on Gurania
Satyr drunk on banana
Satyr drunk on banana
Orange and green leaf hopper
Orange and green leaf hopper
Colorful hopper, dorsal view
Colorful hopper, dorsal view
Ants with hopper cows
Ants with hopper cows
Female Bottlebrush Weevil - Rhinostomus barbirostris
Female Bottlebrush Weevil - Rhinostomus barbirostris
Eyelash pit viper (Bothriechis schlegelii)
Eyelash pit viper (Bothriechis schlegelii)
Panamanian whiptail (Ameiva leptophrys)
Panamanian whiptail (Ameiva leptophrys)
Bug nymph sucking seeds
Bug nymph sucking seeds
Polychrus gutturosus
Polychrus gutturosus
Brown Katydid
Brown Katydid
Tigerwing Butterfly
Tigerwing Butterfly
Blue and gold leafhopper
Blue and gold leafhopper
Wasp nest under leaf
Wasp nest under leaf
Yellow-headed gecko (Gonatodes albogularis)
Yellow-headed gecko (Gonatodes albogularis)
fat katydid
fat katydid
 Border Anole -  (Anolis limifrons)
Border Anole - (Anolis limifrons)
Flame-tailed Pondhawk (Erythemis peruviana(?))
Flame-tailed Pondhawk (Erythemis peruviana(?))
Orion Cecropian (Historis odius)
Orion Cecropian (Historis odius)
Green-and-Black Poison Dart Frog (Dendrobates auratus)
Green-and-Black Poison Dart Frog (Dendrobates auratus)
Praying mantis from preys view
Praying mantis from preys view
Jumper (Frigga pratensis?) with Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens?)
Jumper (Frigga pratensis?) with Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens?)
Yavisa Cemetery
Yavisa Cemetery
Wide-winged hopper
Wide-winged hopper
Frog in leaf litter
Frog in leaf litter
Large Assassin Bug
Large Assassin Bug
Baby walking-schmutz bugs
Baby walking-schmutz bugs
Green Jungle
Green Jungle
Little black and yellow jumper
Little black and yellow jumper
Tiny black and yellow jumper, dorsal
Tiny black and yellow jumper, dorsal
Devils Tower Slime Mold (Stemonitis)
"Devils Tower" Slime Mold (Stemonitis)
Black jumper with gold rear
Black jumper with gold rear
Black with gold rear jumper
Black with gold rear jumper
Wasp with broken wing
Wasp with broken wing
Jumper with orange head and conical tail
Jumper with orange head and conical tail
Jumper with orange head and conical tail - side
Jumper with orange head and conical tail - side
Black jumping spider with crane(?) fly
Black jumping spider with crane(?) fly
Long-legged fly
Long-legged fly
Fly sex
Fly sex
Dusky-blue Groundstreak (Calycopis isobeon)
Dusky-blue Groundstreak (Calycopis isobeon)
Nursery Web Spider (Dolomedes?)
Nursery Web Spider (Dolomedes?)
White Hawk (Pseudastur albicollis)
White Hawk (Pseudastur albicollis)
Nursery Web Spider (Dolomedes?)
Nursery Web Spider (Dolomedes?)
Nursery Web Spider (Dolomedes?) - face
Nursery Web Spider (Dolomedes?) - face
blue-and-yellow leafhopper
blue-and-yellow leafhopper
Wasp Nest in Furled Leaf
Wasp Nest in Furled Leaf
wasp in mud
wasp in mud
orange-and-block wasp gathering mud
orange-and-block wasp gathering mud
End of the road get in the piragua
End of the road get in the piragua
Embera Boatman on the Chucunaque River
Embera Boatman on the Chucunaque River
disembarking the piragua
disembarking the piragua
Shotgun Seat
Shotgun Seat
cockroach in dead leaf
cockroach in dead leaf
Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja) chick (~1.5yr)
Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja) "chick" (~1.5yr)
Selenops Flattie
Selenops Flattie
Selenops Flattie
Selenops Flattie
Selenops Flattie
Selenops Flattie
Lesser White-Lined Bat (Saccopteryx leptura)
Lesser White-Lined Bat (Saccopteryx leptura)
Two Castes Cutting
Two Castes Cutting
blue black damselfly
blue black damselfly
Donna's Metalmark Moths
Donna's Metalmark Moths
Well-camoflouged grasshopper
Well-camoflouged grasshopper
What happened to our road
What happened to our road
Crested Eagle (Morphnus guianensis) mother at nest
Crested Eagle (Morphnus guianensis) mother at nest
Embera Town
Embera Town
checklist weevil
checklist weevil
pale tree frog
pale tree frog
Ants at Cyathia
Ants at Cyathia
Longhorn Beetle (Taeniotes amazonum)
Longhorn Beetle (Taeniotes amazonum)
Barnes Metalmark (Detritivora barnesi)?
Barnes Metalmark (Detritivora barnesi)?