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Peter Hollinger | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Greenland 2003 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Greenland 2003

Scoresbysund Fjord System, East Greenland, September 2003 (see also Donna's and Paulo's galleries).
Our trip was arranged by Betchart Expeditions and include three days in Iceland.
The Greenland leg aboard the Professor Molchanov was run by Oceanwide Expeditions.
Papa Romeo Oscar Foxtrot
Papa Romeo Oscar Foxtrot
Our First Iceberg!
Our First Iceberg!
Our First Iceberg on Radar
Our First Iceberg on Radar
First Landing
First Landing
Zodiac Approaching
Zodiac Approaching
Across the Fjord
Across the Fjord
Iceberg with Valley
Iceberg with Valley
Melting Iceberg
Melting Iceberg
Three Icebergs
Three Icebergs
Iceberg Arch
Iceberg Arch
Blue Fault
Blue Fault
Watching the Sun Set
Watching the Sun Set
...and Set
...and Set
Iceberg with Moon
Iceberg with Moon
Aurora Borealis
Aurora Borealis
Lost in the Forest
Lost in the Forest
Musk Ox Skeleton
Musk Ox Skeleton
Musk Ox Skull
Musk Ox Skull
Solar Flare
Solar Flare
Perched Icecap Peeking
Perched Icecap Peeking
Paulo and his rock
Paulo and his rock
See you on the other side.
See you on the other side.
Zodiac with Icecap
Zodiac with Icecap
Musk Ox
Musk Ox
Our Little Iceberg
Our Little Iceberg
Sunny Side of the Fjord
Sunny Side of the Fjord
The Rock Stops Here
The Rock Stops Here
Iceberg with Cave
Iceberg with Cave
Closeup on Cave
Closeup on Cave
Dirty Iceberg
Dirty Iceberg
Another Dirty Berg
Another Dirty Berg
Iceberg with Flat Dusty Layer
Iceberg with Flat Dusty Layer
Closeup of Flat Dusty Layers
Closeup of Flat Dusty Layers
Happy Birthday, Morten!
Happy Birthday, Morten!
How Many Glaciers?
How Many Glaciers?
the weather is turning
the weather is turning
Misting Down
Misting Down
Face to the Fjord
Face to the Fjord
Face of a Glacier
Face of a Glacier
On the Beach
On the Beach
Drift Ice
Drift Ice
So Far
So Far
Iceberg City!
Iceberg City!
Packing Ice
Packing Ice
Twin Towers
Twin Towers
Ark of an Iceberg
Ark of an Iceberg
Near & Far
Near & Far
Stone | Ice
Stone | Ice
Big Iceberg in a Big Fjord
Big Iceberg in a Big Fjord
Iceland/Greenland 2003 Fellow Travelers
[ Iceland/Greenland 2003 Fellow Travelers ]
Greenland 2003  Flora & Fauna
[ Greenland 2003 Flora & Fauna ]
The Professor Molchanov
[ The Professor Molchanov ]