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Peter Hollinger | all galleries >> Galleries >> Picks > Striations
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17-SEP-2003 Peter Hollinger


Syd Kap, Greenland

Iceberg Closeup

More shots of this berg (mostly Donna's):

Canon PowerShot G3
1/1250s f/4.5 at 28.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 09-May-2007 23:16
Nice big ice lolly!
Kimberley Hannaman Taylor19-Mar-2006 03:21
nomada10-Sep-2005 10:21
Fantastic capture Peter. Awesome mix of textures, lights and shadows.
Michel CORBOZ13-Aug-2005 18:43
superbe image
Guest 16-Jun-2005 05:12
Wonderful series of images!
Guest 14-Jun-2005 00:56
Gorgeous! Reminds me of Antarctica,
Marc Vermeulen03-May-2005 07:09
Beautiful lighting, fabulous image.
katwilkens17-Mar-2005 03:49
WOW! I've never seen anything like this. Fantastic.
rsub812-Mar-2005 16:32
Wow. That is abolutely beautiful. Perfect angle to the illumination. A bit fractal - like, and hard to guess at the scale. I suppose that aspect of it is in the mind of the beholder!
alexeig14-Dec-2004 03:23
Looks like a modern painting. Great patterns and shapes. Beautiful
Steve Parkin12-Dec-2004 02:44
Great image! I love the textures!
Guest 08-Dec-2004 01:03

Need to get to Greenland myself & soon. Thanks for sharing!
Konrad Busslinger04-Dec-2004 19:02
Great shot. The nature made a excellent performance.