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Peter Hollinger | all galleries >> Galleries >> Picks > Sun Setting Behind Icebergs
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16-SEP-2003 Peter Hollinger

Sun Setting Behind Icebergs

Scoresby Sund Fjord, Greenland

Canon PowerShot G3
1/640s f/4.0 at 28.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 27-Oct-2007 11:22
love sunsets
Vilone18-Dec-2005 18:45
Steven Jusczyk12-Nov-2005 07:56
Gorgeous! Like how you can see the swells in the water. It gives the feeling that you're really out at sea.
joanteno12-Nov-2005 07:14
Spectacular sunset!
coaster12-Nov-2005 04:43
Karen Leaf12-Nov-2005 03:59
Guest 12-Nov-2005 02:47
Awesome composition and image!
Guest 12-Nov-2005 02:10
Brilliant golden colors. Very nice sunset shot Peter