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pkocinski | profile | all galleries >> Images from 2011 - Year Five >> Barn Quilts tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Barn Quilts

In this month's AAA magazine, they had a blurb on these "barn quilts". They are not fabric quilts (at least not that I can tell) but are hung on about 40 buildings in this area. I'm not going to photograph all of them (some are really hard to see) but a few that I liked best. I believe they are real quilt patterns.
Cups and Saucers
Cups and Saucers
Twisting Star
Twisting Star
Tree of Life
Tree of Life
Carpenter's Wheel
Carpenter's Wheel
Hole In The Barn Door
Hole In The Barn Door
Bird of Paradise
Bird of Paradise
Mother's Fancy
Mother's Fancy