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Marni J. Bradford | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Marni J. Bradford
Name Marni J. Bradford (joined 14-Apr-2007) (pbase supporter)
Username marnsphotos
Location Saskatchewan, Canada
Saskatchewan, Canada
View Galleries : Marni J. Bradford has 57 galleries and 1383 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 310338 times.

View Guestbook : 5 messages. Most recent on 07-Nov-2007.

Message from Marni J. Bradford
Hello and thanks for stopping into my little photographic world. I have had an interest in photography for most of my life, though I didn't do any real learning until about 20 years ago. I had a Kodak film camera growing up (remember the cube flash bulb days?!?!) and then I won a digital point and shoot camera in a raffle. It didn't do what I wanted it to do so purchased a used film camera and took some online photography classes. I've been shooting ever since. I currently shoot with a Nikon D750 as well as a Nikon D80 which I had converted to shoot infrared photos. My daughter currently shoots with my Nikon D90. I dabble in nature photography, sports photography, infrared photography, and portrait photography.

Please remember that all images are Copyright to Marni J. Bradford and may not be used for any reason without written consent.

Have a great day!!

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