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pkocinski | all galleries >> Images from 2011 - Year Five >> Barn Quilts > Carpenter's Wheel
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Carpenter's Wheel

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Bill Miller24-Nov-2014 19:06
That is so lovely and colourful.
Chris Spracklen06-Jun-2011 22:14
A crisp shot of this colourful farm building, Patti.
Bill Ewart Jr04-Jun-2011 10:49
Yikes, that's too big to get into our house!!!!! Museum quality art!
Cindi Smith04-Jun-2011 04:22
Very nice. What a great image!
Coleen Perilloux Landry04-Jun-2011 01:31
Great image. Have you ever quilted that pattern?
Ed Preston04-Jun-2011 01:26
Nicely seen Patti, love the colors!
Jim Coffman04-Jun-2011 00:56
This is fantastic! Great color and detail!
Guest 04-Jun-2011 00:04
Very nice image Patti
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