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Anselm | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> swansea tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Brighton | Holland 2007 | Black & White | swansea | Austria | unusual | In Box | Vienna | Bungee Jumpers | Red Arrows | Berlin Autumn 2007 | amsterdam | Dancers and Performers | Cornwall, July 2008 | The Eden Project | Street Artists and Entertainers | Cosford Airshow, June 2009 | Experiments with Special Effects + Macro | Car Show | shooting | 11 Internationales Blasmusikfest Der Jugend Europas | Gower Explorer | Tenerife, November 2011 | Barcelona June 2012 | Spontaneous shots from the world's greatest city ! | Barcelona
Images of Swansea City
County Hall
County Hall
Guildhall Clock Tower
Guildhall Clock Tower
Guildhall Clock Tower
Guildhall Clock Tower
Guildhall Clock Tower
Guildhall Clock Tower
Helwick Lightship
Helwick Lightship
Helwick Lightship
Helwick Lightship
New Waterfront Museum
New Waterfront Museum
Kilvey Hill TV Mast
Kilvey Hill TV Mast
Looking towards St Thomas District
Looking towards St Thomas District
Earth from the Air Exhibition
Earth from the Air Exhibition
Earth from the Air Exhibition
Earth from the Air Exhibition