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Anselm | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Experiments with Special Effects + Macro tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Experiments with Special Effects + Macro

This was my first experiment at trying to photograph drops and splashes and macro subjects. I use my Nikon D80 on a tripod and my Sigma 18-50 f2.8 Macro lens. Some of the photos have been adjusted for colour and effects with Photoshop.
g1/58/773658/3/116541618.5sgvPtNS.jpg g1/58/773658/3/116541620.JT590dVD.jpg g1/58/773658/3/116541623.encMCRpA.jpg g1/58/773658/3/116541625.TNPbmgIw.jpg
g1/58/773658/3/116541629.6ZxNUVLF.jpg g1/58/773658/3/116541632.bIlt3QYP.jpg g1/58/773658/3/116541635.iqg5cjv1.jpg g1/58/773658/3/116541637.9aRraJF5.jpg
g1/58/773658/3/116541639.UMGogWIN.jpg g1/58/773658/3/116541640.eHERTI5a.jpg g1/58/773658/3/116557404.kN9m64Js.jpg g1/58/773658/3/116557405.vNoTTRfn.jpg
g1/58/773658/3/116557406.dg4cWFhn.jpg g1/58/773658/3/116557407.Bu3pYHIP.jpg g1/58/773658/3/116557410.Gc2WEX6T.jpg Iodine crystals
Iodine crystals
Iodine crystals
Iodine crystals
Trumpet mouthpiece, Bach 7C
Trumpet mouthpiece, Bach 7C
Trumpet mouthpiece, Bach 7C
Trumpet mouthpiece, Bach 7C
Trumpet Mouthpiece, Schilke 14A4
Trumpet Mouthpiece, Schilke 14A4
Trumpet Mouthpiece, Schilke 14A4
Trumpet Mouthpiece, Schilke 14A4
Spider, detail of body
Spider, detail of body