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Brighton | Holland 2007 | Black & White | swansea | Austria | unusual | In Box | Vienna | Bungee Jumpers | Red Arrows | Berlin Autumn 2007 | amsterdam | Dancers and Performers | Cornwall, July 2008 | The Eden Project | Street Artists and Entertainers | Cosford Airshow, June 2009 | Experiments with Special Effects + Macro | Car Show | shooting | 11 Internationales Blasmusikfest Der Jugend Europas | Gower Explorer | Tenerife, November 2011 | Barcelona June 2012 | Spontaneous shots from the world's greatest city ! | Barcelona

11 Internationales Blasmusikfest Der Jugend Europas

The 11th International Wind Band Festival took place between the 10th and 12th of September 2010 at Bad Orb near Frankfurt, Germany. Twenty seven bands from ten different countries took place. The gathering of musicians from all over Europe with a common interest is personified by the motto of the Festival "Musik kennt keine Grenzen" - "music has no frontiers".

Unfortunately, I was busy performing myself in this festival and I only had a few opportunities to photograph some bands with my SLR. Most of my photos are of the Bands from the Netherlands and Italy.
Gruno's TNT Post-harmonie Groningen (Niederlande)
Gruno's TNT Post-harmonie Groningen (Niederlande)
Gruno's TNT Post-harmonie Groningen (Niederlande)
Gruno's TNT Post-harmonie Groningen (Niederlande)
Gruno's TNT Post-harmonie Groningen (Niederlande)
Gruno's TNT Post-harmonie Groningen (Niederlande)
Gruno's TNT Post-harmonie Groningen (Niederlande)
Gruno's TNT Post-harmonie Groningen (Niederlande)
Gruno's TNT Post-harmonie Groningen
Gruno's TNT Post-harmonie Groningen
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)
Filarmonica Sestrese Genua (Italien)