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Nora van Beek | all galleries >> Galleries >> Seen in NYC > Ape & Cat (At the Dance) by Jim Dine, Wagner Park, Battery Park, NYC
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Ape & Cat (At the Dance) by Jim Dine, Wagner Park, Battery Park, NYC

I had to look this one up. I never would have guessed that the figure on the right was an ape. That's either an awfully big cat or an awfully small ape!

Nikon D40x
1/100s f/5.0 at 56.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
janescottcumming06-Jan-2017 13:13
What an unusual sculpture and a fine photo of it. V
Patricia Kay06-Jan-2017 11:34
Beautiful story telling image Nora...BV
Mairéad06-Jan-2017 10:36
A fascinating sculpture and a cool park to hang out.
Dennis Hoyne06-Jan-2017 03:25
An unusual art concept, but perfectly appropriate for a park setting, I love it!
Nice capture. V.
Jeff Real06-Jan-2017 02:59
An interesting capture for sure ~V~
bill friedlander05-Jan-2017 19:07
Cute decoration for the park. Nicely captured. V
Helen Betts05-Jan-2017 16:57
What an interesting, if a bit mystifying, sculpture, nicely captured. Super texture in particular. V.
Walter Otto Koenig05-Jan-2017 16:23
What an unusual and fund sculpture. Very nicely composed with the people in the background doing their own thing, while these tow dance. "V"
joseantonio05-Jan-2017 15:59
such a lovely sculpture. You captured it so nicely with those people in the background.BV.
globalgadabout05-Jan-2017 15:04
there is something heart-warming about this unusual pairing...certainly the dancers liven up the park..
larose forest photos05-Jan-2017 14:31
How fanciful, as fanciful as the Owl and the Pussycat!
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