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Nora van Beek | all galleries >> Galleries >> Seen in NYC > The Iconic New York City pigeon
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The Iconic New York City pigeon

Nikon D40x
1/400s f/5.0 at 65.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
blizzard13-Jan-2017 15:14
bravo your right a real classic bit vote
Buz Kiefer09-Jan-2017 21:55
Nice photo and excellent treatment. Beautiful textures and color. The eye is tack sharp. Vote.
hayl08-Jan-2017 22:29
The common birds are so often overlooked. Nicely done.
bill friedlander08-Jan-2017 19:57
Nicely captured. The red eye really stands out. V
Walter Otto Koenig08-Jan-2017 19:20
Very nice shot with these patterns and textures in the background. "V"
exzim08-Jan-2017 16:59
great capture Nora, and the processing adds to the appeal.
globalgadabout08-Jan-2017 16:14
attractive birds, and as keen scavengers they play an important role in cleaning up the streets..
Helen Betts08-Jan-2017 15:17
An excellent capture of this ubiquitous bird. I like how the reds stand out among the more neutral colors. V.
Christian Dumont08-Jan-2017 15:12
Very nicely done. V
Jeff Real08-Jan-2017 14:31
He looks so wonderful...Love the shadow, texture and patterns to go with him ~V~
Hank Vander Velde08-Jan-2017 13:47
Nicely captured Nora.
joseantonio08-Jan-2017 13:36
It´s amazing that there could be so many of them in the bit city.V.
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