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Nora van Beek | all galleries >> Galleries >> Seen in NYC > Battery Park City, World Financial Center Marina
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Battery Park City, World Financial Center Marina

Nikon D40x
1/200s f/7.1 at 18.0mm iso100 full exif

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Jeff Real05-Jan-2017 14:00
This is a neat place and you really have made it look special, Nora
Love it greatly
Ton T.04-Jan-2017 16:07
Stunning image: great composition and colors V
William Barletta04-Jan-2017 05:33
Attract, watercolor-like tones ~V~
Dennis Hoyne04-Jan-2017 04:34
A truly wonderful NYC scene! One seldom seen in the average photos of this big city. V.
Walter Otto Koenig04-Jan-2017 02:30
Really like all these lines and patterns. Great with this processing. "V"
Allan Jay04-Jan-2017 01:26
Excellent treatment here, Nora!
bill friedlander03-Jan-2017 21:28
Nice to have a marina just outside these huge buildings. Nice processing for a super image. V
Helen Betts03-Jan-2017 20:37
A lot to take in here, with such interesting contrasts. The treatment gives it such a great look, too. V.
globalgadabout03-Jan-2017 17:50
a plethora of patterns here, and refined processing too..
joseantonio03-Jan-2017 17:33
your composition is perfect.It gives the impression of being a big harbour.V
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