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Holy Cross Exhibit       About       Instruction       Exhibits       Prints       Contact

Please direct inquiries about licensing and prints to

"Moods of Nature" is an exhibit featuring the works of three local photographers, Nikhil Bahl, Angelique Raptakis and Gwen Lewis.
The exhibit will run June 1 through July 31, 2009 at the Community Art Exhibition Gallery at Holy Cross Hospital,
located in the concourse of the Professional and Community Education Center on the lobby level. Garage Parking is free for the first hour.

Please join us for the opening reception on Monday, June 1, 2009, from 6-8:30pm.
1500 Forest Glen Road, Silver Spring, MD 20910

10% of all sales will be donated to the Holy Cross Hospital Foundation.

These are my photographs on exhibit. Please visit Angelique's exhibit gallery.
Gray Morning Sunrise_NBP6736.jpg Holy Cross Invitiation.jpg _NBP1027.jpg _NBP5734.jpg
Assateague Sunrise_NIK5708.jpg Tranquil Shore_NIK3061so.jpg maple_color.jpg The Enchanting Trees_NBP4036.jpg
_DSC5764.jpg Foggy Sunrise2_NIK9361.jpg _NBP3399.jpg Calm Water_NIK9490.jpg
3trees_DSC1030.jpg Ground Fog Tree_DSC6199.jpg Fog in the valley_NBP5655.jpg Serenity_NIK5355.jpg
Simple Swans_NBP1801.jpg _NBP2479.jpg The Island_NIK3098.jpg