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Monte Stevens | all galleries >> Almost Photo-a-Day >> yearly_archives >> 2005_pad_gallery >> may_05 > 05-02-05.jpg
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This is a prime example of rushing a shot. The exposure is off as well as the angle. Anyway I took this image because of the story it tells. In the past I have seen couples sitting at a table with a newspaper in front of their face and usually not talking. Here is an example of how far our technology has gone. We now can sit in many coffee shops with a laptop and logged on the internet, drinking coffee and still not talking. I ventured over and asked if I could take a photo of them telling them what I saw. She informed they had been talking all morning and that was enough! Anyway, hope you had a good Monday.

Nikon D100
1/180s f/5.6 at 30.0mm with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 03-May-2005 09:44
Nice story indeed.. Well seen!
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