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Monte Stevens | all galleries >> Almost Photo-a-Day >> yearly_archives >> 2005_pad_gallery >> may_05 > 05-01-05.jpg
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I drove out east heading for a small town called Ault. The sun decided to pop out from behind the clouds and shine for a short 20 minutes. I quickly stopped the car and took a few shots right where I was. These trees and the irrigation system simply had to be the subjects. Simple shot and a part of a wonderful day! Hope yours was the same.
I am really noticing the difference when I use a tripod. This image was not and I can tell.

Nikon D100
1/640s f/8.0 at 60.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 28-Jan-2008 19:39
very nice composition
G.Pietro Munaretto18-Aug-2005 19:38
Chris Sofopoulos21-Jun-2005 16:57
Really fantastic composition. I adore this tones. I think that it has almost the same tones with my EOS20D. And I adore these pale tones.
The framing is perfect here. Good work.
Marisa Livet10-May-2005 17:14
I like this picture, it has a nice pespective and it's someway pictorial.
All the best
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