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Mike Broomfield | profile | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
NEW ** mbroomfield dot myportfolio dot com ** NEW

Please go to my new website that links to Google Photo galleries for simpler viewing (swipe and full screen). Fill in the dots to the link below

NEW ** mbroomfield dot myportfolio dot com ** NEW

These are images taken from various locations around the US and the UK, many from Cape Cod and New England where I currently live.

The cameras I've used range from 8x10 large format film down to 35mm digital which I use most of the time at the moment.

All prints are available for sale. I generally print on satin inkjet paper using an Epson Pro 4880 or Epson Surecolour P8000, both with archival pigment inks.
The addition of the new Epson P8000 (a 44" printer) and a large vacuum press should allow me to offer bigger prints.
I also hope to be producing prints on canvas in late 2016. These will be stretched and ready to hang, or can be framed.

Unmounted inkjet on paper prices are as follows;

16 x 20 $100
16 x 24 $125

Prints are also available mounted and matted as well as mounted, matted and framed.

If you are interested in purchasing a print please send me email and I'll respond as quickly as possible; mbroomfield at comcast dot net

I hope you enjoy looking through the galleries.

Mike Broomfield
gallery: Recent
2017 Photo of the Month
gallery: 2017 Photo of the Month
2018 photo of the month gallery
gallery: 2018 photo of the month gallery
Archived Photo of the Month Galleries
gallery: Archived Photo of the Month Galleries
Photos taken before and during the New55 Workshop
gallery: Photos taken before and during the New55 Workshop
Monochromes, black and whites
gallery: Monochromes, black and whites
gallery: Lightpainting
gallery: Seascapes
Marine images
gallery: Marine images
Graffiti, grain elevators @Buffalo, and abandoned things
gallery: Graffiti, grain elevators @Buffalo, and abandoned things
gallery: Citiscapes
IR Photos (infrared)
gallery: IR Photos (infrared)
Rivers and waterfalls
gallery: Rivers and waterfalls
Woodlands, Forests and Parks
gallery: Woodlands, Forests and Parks
Miscellaneous, flowers, abstract, etc
gallery: Miscellaneous, flowers, abstract, etc
South West
gallery: South West
Spherical Panoramas
gallery: Spherical Panoramas
Religious architecture etc..
gallery: Religious architecture etc..
gallery: Provincetown
2008 Figawi snaps
gallery: 2008 Figawi snaps
gallery: hampton_court
gallery: stage_harbor_weir_fishing