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Mike Broomfield | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lightpainting tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


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1450 Ward pumping stn_R228012-1.jpg
1450 Ward pumping stn_R228012-1.jpg
1350 Lake and Rail grinder pulleys and cobwebs_R217854-1.jpg
1350 Lake and Rail grinder pulleys and cobwebs_R217854-1.jpg
1450 Lake and Rail Marine Leg pulleys_R217223-1.jpg
1450 Lake and Rail Marine Leg pulleys_R217223-1.jpg
1450 Lake and Rail mixer ducts_R217464-1.jpg
1450 Lake and Rail mixer ducts_R217464-1.jpg
1450 Lake_and_Rail_conveyors2_R217197-1.jpg
1450 Lake_and_Rail_conveyors2_R217197-1.jpg
Cranberry bog and Orion_DSC9828.jpg
Cranberry bog and Orion_DSC9828.jpg
Cranberry bog and moon_DSC9838.jpg
Cranberry bog and moon_DSC9838.jpg
Chatham branch_DSC0051.jpg
Chatham branch_DSC0051.jpg
Chatham lobster pot and bouy_DSC0076.jpg
Chatham lobster pot and bouy_DSC0076.jpg
Chatham lobster pot b&w_DSC0095.jpg
Chatham lobster pot b&w_DSC0095.jpg
Chatham lobster pot_DSC0065.jpg
Chatham lobster pot_DSC0065.jpg
Acadia tide pool portrait 4x5 no sharp texture NR brighten 1350.jpg
Acadia tide pool portrait 4x5 no sharp texture NR brighten 1350.jpg
Three pulleys_DSC7270 straight.jpg
Three pulleys_DSC7270 straight.jpg
Moon swimming_DSC8862.jpg
Moon swimming_DSC8862.jpg
Reaching for Orion_DSC7512.jpg
Reaching for Orion_DSC7512.jpg
May : Grain cascade
May : Grain cascade
Spiral stair lightpainted_DSC4494.jpg
Spiral stair lightpainted_DSC4494.jpg
Motor_screws lightpainted_DSC4848.jpg
Motor_screws lightpainted_DSC4848.jpg
Milling machine lightpainted_DSC4920.jpg
Milling machine lightpainted_DSC4920.jpg
Milling machine lightpainted_DSC4893.jpg
Milling machine lightpainted_DSC4893.jpg
Ghost man hoist_DSC4906.jpg
Ghost man hoist_DSC4906.jpg
Canteen lightpainted lighten layers_DSC4691.jpg
Canteen lightpainted lighten layers_DSC4691.jpg
Big fan lightpainted_DSC4675.jpg
Big fan lightpainted_DSC4675.jpg
Covered switch boxes and conduit.jpg
Covered switch boxes and conduit.jpg
January : Buried branches
January : Buried branches
Chatham stars and tree roots.jpg
Chatham stars and tree roots.jpg
March 2015 : Milky Way and lobster pot
March 2015 : Milky Way and lobster pot
Device with drum
Device with drum
Parts bin drawers
Parts bin drawers
Gelmac pipe stack
Gelmac pipe stack
Abandoned desk
Abandoned desk
Does Not Compute.jpg
Does Not Compute.jpg
Wire harness in walls.jpg
Wire harness in walls.jpg
peeled paint.jpg
peeled paint.jpg
lecture room.jpg
lecture room.jpg
lights and panels.jpg
lights and panels.jpg
switchboxes and meters.jpg
switchboxes and meters.jpg
water and floor tiles.jpg
water and floor tiles.jpg
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