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Gordon W | all galleries >> My Best Shots >> Personal Favorites > Bench Overlooking Winter Marina 20120202
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Gordon L Wolford

Bench Overlooking Winter Marina 20120202

Along the Ottawa River

Photographed at the Nepean Sailing Club in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

FujiFilm FinePix F550 EXR
1/680s f/3.5 at 4.4mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Sheryl Chacon15-Feb-2012 14:37
Great Photo! Good DOF
Guest 06-Feb-2012 16:19
Ditto below. Best. J
Milan Vogrin02-Feb-2012 19:04
Great scene!V!
Jim's Atavistic Visions02-Feb-2012 18:45
Unreal! Fine composition.
Randu02-Feb-2012 16:24
Awesome shot!
Guest 02-Feb-2012 16:22
Great shot!
Josh Cruz02-Feb-2012 16:17
Well composed, powerful simplicity!