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marita toftgard | all galleries >> Galleries >> PAD > Reflection... as in meditation
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Reflection... as in meditation

Very early morning..
perfect for meditation on my veranda.
The view is often misty as we have the sea on both sides..

Perfect place to have a bit of inspirational yoga and meditation ;)

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Jola Dziubinska07-Oct-2011 23:35
Creative composition of lines.
Sam X21-Sep-2011 01:51
lovely early autumn morning ... great capture of the serenity
Guest 29-Aug-2011 00:19
This is so nice and peaceful Marita!!! Amazing light!! V
Maaike Huizer23-Aug-2011 14:11
This is gorgeous. The foggy mood very well captured. V
Mieke WA Minkjan23-Aug-2011 07:37
wonderful Marita, what a peaceful place
and I love the view on to the birches!!!
Cindi Smith23-Aug-2011 01:52
This is totally gorgeous and a beautiful place to meditate. So relaxing. I'd love to sit there and just enjoy the view! V
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography22-Aug-2011 20:36
beautiful place,vote
Laryl22-Aug-2011 18:54
what a beautiful view and the mist is heavenly
LynnH22-Aug-2011 11:42
Absolutely beautiful! V
Guest 22-Aug-2011 11:00
Beautiful and all so lovely!
Janice Dunn22-Aug-2011 10:31
It does look a very welcoming place to sit and meditate Marita
Yvonne22-Aug-2011 09:21
So lovely, what a beautiful start to the day! v
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