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marita toftgard | all galleries >> Galleries >> PAD > Reflection is relative in the MIRROR!
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Reflection is relative in the MIRROR!

Nice to be back :)

My son, Pierre
is now signed to


Music from them!

Please see photo in LARGE size

It is a mirror that we used during this photo shoot of the artists

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Maaike Huizer23-Aug-2011 14:16
This is very well seen.
Janice Dunn22-Aug-2011 06:54
And what a flash mirror to have outside - well seen Marita
Laryl20-Aug-2011 22:59
great photo and congrats on the signing!!
LynnH20-Aug-2011 15:46
Interesting and creative! V
Bill Ewart Jr20-Aug-2011 11:11
Ahha It's a mirror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guest 20-Aug-2011 08:47
Very very nicely done.
Guest 20-Aug-2011 08:12
Well captured reflection Marita!! Congrats on your son signing to Warner Music! V
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