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marita toftgard | all galleries >> Galleries >> PORTRAITS > Singer and songwriter TOFTGARD
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Singer and songwriter TOFTGARD

NEW cool MUSIC video by #Toftgard with the famous and wellknown #Shellback !
Cool if you check it out on Youtube ;):

Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet
" Last week, Toftgards super cool "Tell U What To Do" was produced by Shellback ...The video is created by the "Motel Movie" ..
In "Tell U What To Do" we see a gang of masked men who symbolizes the impossible, but highly sought, the pursuit of idol status and fame that works like hunted by the common man. Toftgård depicts pop culture people who brought us to this point to show how insignificant we feel if we do not stand in the headlight glare.
Look, it's cool!"

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Jola Dziubinska07-Oct-2011 23:35
Excellent high key portrait, very good work, Marita. V.
Guest 05-Oct-2011 16:47
Fantastic portrait, wonderful creative work!! V
LynnH05-Oct-2011 15:23
Fantastic artsy portrait. Interesting and creative work. V
René Gysi05-Oct-2011 09:27
Wonderful pose, framing and details. Creative and excellent work! V
Guest 04-Oct-2011 22:02
Excellent work. V.
Photo.Keely04-Oct-2011 22:01
Nice image! Interesting composition! V.
Karen Stuebing04-Oct-2011 21:57
Fantastic portrait. Pose, framing and toning. All work for a fabulous photo. V.
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