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Marisa Livet | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Switzerland is .... >> Bern - A small Capital City for a Small Country > I think Professor Einstein would have liked to drive this vehicle...
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15-SEP-2015 Marisa

I think Professor Einstein would have liked to drive this vehicle...

Bern (Switzerland)

Everybody knows that Albert Einstein was born In Germany. But maybe someone doesn't know that he moved to Switzerland when he was 16 years old and he got Swiss citizenship six years later.
After becoming Swiss he settled in Bern where he started working at the Swiss Federal Patent Office as a "technical expert third class."

In 1905, while living at Kramgasse No. 49, Albert Einstein developed the Special Theory of Relativity.
His work on the General Theory also began in Bern.

In 1906 he was promoted to "expert second class." His bread-winning job left him enough time for his scientific work. In 1908 he lectured at Bern University, and in 1909 he resigned from the Patent Office in order to take up the post of associate professor of theoretical physics at Zurich University.

This photo is part of a thematic gallery dedicated to the Capital City of Switzerland.
If you feel like visiting it, please

Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FZ150
1/60s f/3.2 at 8.5mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Alexander Kazakov29-Sep-2015 09:24
So nice! V
Pepe Lugash29-Sep-2015 08:50
This is an incredible find, Very well rendered. BV
Webman0629-Sep-2015 04:04
cette leçon de chose est très intéressante, comme quoi, d'un triporteur on peut aussi apprendre des choses savantes ;-) Merci Marisa
Quoi qu'il en soit, une photo intéressante d'un véhicule qu'on voit de moins en moins chez nous.
Stephanie28-Sep-2015 22:58
A charming vehicle and overall scene! That's quite the dramatic sky! V
Johnny JAG28-Sep-2015 19:01
Albert would have been proud of this, relatively speaking
Neil Marcus28-Sep-2015 18:57
LOL I thank you for information about Albert Einstein.
William Barletta28-Sep-2015 18:56
Such a mischievous thought. Yes, he might have liked it!
Bill Miller28-Sep-2015 18:51
A quirky vehicle for a unique character.
Allan Jay28-Sep-2015 17:17
Thanks for enlightening us on the Einstein info. I am not sure whether
he would of approved of this vehicle but that's what makes this image
special imho....Marisa
Dan Greenberg28-Sep-2015 16:33
That is so cute and so well photographed. Love it! ~BV~
Helen Betts28-Sep-2015 16:24
Quite a charming vehicle, set against such a striking background. Very interesting information about Einstein, too.
Jim Coffman28-Sep-2015 16:06
LOL!! I think he would have looked very cute in this vehicle!!
borisalex28-Sep-2015 15:53
Smart choice, fitting to intelligent people! Good shot of my favorite vehicle, not that I´m smart as Einstein! v-
carabias28-Sep-2015 15:43
'carromato' lindo! Es muy bonita. V
Martin Lamoon28-Sep-2015 15:29
A great fun photograph, The exposure and clarity is superb.