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Marisa Livet | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Switzerland is .... >> Bern - A small Capital City for a Small Country > Ah, yes...I must not forget the cathedral...
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15-SEP-2015 Marisa

Ah, yes...I must not forget the cathedral...

Bern (Switzerland)

The Bern Münster Cathedral is the largest religious building in Switzerland.
Its construction started in 1421 with builders working on this masterpiece over successive generations.
An outstanding feature is the main portal, where you can admire the depiction of the Last Judgement - the only image that was spared the iconoclasm of the Reformation.

This photo is part of a thematic gallery dedicated to the Capital City of Switzerland.
If you feel like visiting it, please

Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FZ150
1/80s f/3.7 at 28.4mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Neil Marcus29-Sep-2015 13:24
There are some unusual nude figures on the lower right. Looks very modern.
Jim Coffman29-Sep-2015 13:18
Such a beautiful detailed capture!!
Graeme29-Sep-2015 11:49
Magnificent details and colours, Marisa. VV
Stephanie29-Sep-2015 11:23
What a beautiful and intricate set of carvings on this alter! Gorgeous!! V