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Marisa Livet | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Switzerland is .... >> Bern - A small Capital City for a Small Country > How many things this fountain has surely seen during the centuries...
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15-SEP-2015 Marisa

How many things this fountain has surely seen during the centuries...

Bern (Switzerland)

This photo is part of a thematic gallery dedicated to the Capital City of Switzerland.
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Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FZ150
1/100s f/3.6 at 8.1mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
William Barletta29-Sep-2015 21:57
Wonderful color and balance in this image
MarcViskens29-Sep-2015 18:47
beautiful composed Marisa
Dennis Hoyne29-Sep-2015 02:10
A beautiful composition! Even though we don't go back very far in history I often wonder about such things I photograph here in the U.S.
Ann Cleeves28-Sep-2015 15:21
Indeed! Such an elegant, historic street, and so prettily presented in this terrific composition.
Jim Coffman28-Sep-2015 14:58
Beautifully composed and captured!!You are a talented photographer!
Martin Lamoon28-Sep-2015 14:40
It does make us think, perhaps horse drawn carriages. I do like that clock and tower at the end of the road.