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Douglas Houck | profile | all galleries >> europe >> france >> dday_beaches tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

taken during Victory-Tours (the "one man, one van" company)
of Roel Klinkhamer

Excellent and most knowledgeable tour guide.
Gold Beach and town of Arromanches
Gold Beach and town of Arromanches
Cassion from artificial harbor at Gold Beach
Cassion from artificial harbor at Gold Beach
Coastal Gun of Longues
Coastal Gun of Longues
Bloody Omaha
Bloody Omaha
Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial
Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial
Memorial from the Reflecting Pool
Memorial from the Reflecting Pool
The Spirit of American Youth Rising from the Waves
The Spirit of American Youth Rising from the Waves
Grave marker (unknown soldier)
Grave marker (unknown soldier)
Grave markers (Plot C)
Grave markers (Plot C)
Grave markers  (so many)
Grave markers (so many)
Chapel ceiling mural
Chapel ceiling mural
Bloody Omaha from Cemetary
Bloody Omaha from Cemetary
The Pointe du Hoc Ranger Monument
The Pointe du Hoc Ranger Monument
cliffs west of Pointe du Hoc
cliffs west of Pointe du Hoc
Bunker - Inside
Bunker - Inside
Bunker - Outside
Bunker - Outside