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Douglas Houck | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> europe tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

I did a whirlwind tour with my family of France and Scotland in late March - early April 2008 to see my oldest son in Edinburgh. and allow my youngest son to revisit France. We started with a driving tour of France (from Paris to Nice) and ended with a walking tour of Scotland.

For the photographers out there the Pentax K10D performed flawlessly. The in-body SR and weather sealing helped make so many shots for both low light and in the rain and snow. I only used prime lenses and used the DA21mm f3.2 for probably 80 percent of all shots, with the A50mm f1.4 for another 15 percent. The other 5 percent I used the FA31mm f1.8, DA14mm f2.8, and my old and trusted K135mm f2.5. I shot inside museums, cathedrals, aquariums, nightime shots, and both good and inclement weather, all hand held with no flash.

Enjoy!!! I did.
:: france ::
:: scotland ::
:: airplane_view ::