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Challenge 1: Expressive Photography

Judged by: Phil Douglis

Challenge Closed on Sep-11-2005

All entries after the 2nd runner up (3rd place) are in random order
and do not indicate any ranking

1st Place:Alter Ego (Christine P Newman)
1st Place:Alter Ego (Christine P Newman)
2nd Place:Looking out Bali  (Patrick Maechler)
2nd Place:Looking out Bali (Patrick Maechler)
3rd Place:Chimpanzees - appetite for more (Lisbeth Landstrřm)
3rd Place:Chimpanzees - appetite for more (Lisbeth Landstrřm)
Dog and His Man (Charles William Lawrence)
Dog and His Man (Charles William Lawrence)
Bird Watcher (Tim Guenther)
Bird Watcher (Tim Guenther)
Gogo juice (Tim Guenther)
Gogo juice (Tim Guenther)
boy under water curtain at Grand Children's Park, Seoul (James Hendrick)
boy under water curtain at Grand Children's Park, Seoul (James Hendrick)
Water Everywhere (Tracy Kolenchuk)
Water Everywhere (Tracy Kolenchuk)
rain day impression (Zhe Xu)
rain day impression (Zhe Xu)
woman praying on Ingwansan Shamanist Hillside (James Hendrik)
woman praying on Ingwansan Shamanist Hillside (James Hendrik)
Sweden 2005 (Anna Yu)
Sweden 2005 (Anna Yu)
07244330www-mangl-at.jpg (Erich Mangl)
07244330www-mangl-at.jpg (Erich Mangl)
guilty (Marisa Taddia)
guilty (Marisa Taddia)
United we stand divided we fall (Bob White)
United we stand divided we fall (Bob White)
Below the Wings of an Angel (Christine P. Newman)
Below the Wings of an Angel (Christine P. Newman)
Donkey (Geoffrey T. Bell)
Donkey (Geoffrey T. Bell)
Himba woman with a lolly, Nambia (Andrea Rasetti)
Himba woman with a lolly, Nambia (Andrea Rasetti)
Too Young to Drive (Charles William Lawrence)
Too Young to Drive (Charles William Lawrence)
Sepia (Johny Alives)
Sepia (Johny Alives)
Rajasthani Musicians (Ashok Viswanathan)
Rajasthani Musicians (Ashok Viswanathan)
To Escape (Nathan)
To Escape (Nathan)
Hanging out the washing, Mozambique (Andrea Rasetti)
Hanging out the washing, Mozambique (Andrea Rasetti)
Stacked Chairs Ready For The Night (Ralph Whitten)
Stacked Chairs Ready For The Night (Ralph Whitten)
Family under the trees (José Antonio Alcázar )
Family under the trees (José Antonio Alcázar )
Summer Dance - Interlude (Christine P. Newman)
Summer Dance - Interlude (Christine P. Newman)
Headley Tarn Lunch (Ralph Whitten)
Headley Tarn Lunch (Ralph Whitten)
A man and his rooster (Sharif El-Hamalawi)
A man and his rooster (Sharif El-Hamalawi)
The Bathers (José Antonio Alcázar )
The Bathers (José Antonio Alcázar )
mom son ... (Zhe Xu)
mom son ... (Zhe Xu)
Daisy Killers (Tim Guenther)
Daisy Killers (Tim Guenther)
3 (José Antonio Alcázar )
3 (José Antonio Alcázar )
Boat Lady (Ashok Viswanathan)
Boat Lady (Ashok Viswanathan)
Silent Witness (Tracy Kolenchuk)
Silent Witness (Tracy Kolenchuk)
No Title (Zhe Xu)
No Title (Zhe Xu)
Rauch 5 (Isenegger Andreas )
Rauch 5 (Isenegger Andreas )
Communication (Bob White)
Communication (Bob White)
The train to Nampula, Mozambique (Andrea Rasetti)
The train to Nampula, Mozambique (Andrea Rasetti)
In the womb (Marisa Taddia)
In the womb (Marisa Taddia)
Two young girls riding the bus in La Habana (Sharif El-Hamalawi)
Two young girls riding the bus in La Habana (Sharif El-Hamalawi)
Children of Xidi China (Patrick Maechler)
Children of Xidi China (Patrick Maechler)
Kiss Me (Marisa Taddia)
Kiss Me (Marisa Taddia)
Rag Picker (Ashok Viswanathan)
Rag Picker (Ashok Viswanathan)
blessed works (António J aka ares)
blessed works (António J aka ares)
Meiron (Yaron Almagor)
Meiron (Yaron Almagor)
IMG_0604.JPG (Md. Iftekhar Hussain Khan)
IMG_0604.JPG (Md. Iftekhar Hussain Khan)
Should not have cut this (Nathan)
Should not have cut this (Nathan)
Despair on Boat (Ernesto Rocco)
Despair on Boat (Ernesto Rocco)
Caring Shoulder (Nathan)
Caring Shoulder (Nathan)
Choices (John Chang)
Choices (John Chang)
A photographer with his camera  (Sharif El-Hamalawi)
A photographer with his camera (Sharif El-Hamalawi)
Log on Fire (Tracy Kolenchuk)
Log on Fire (Tracy Kolenchuk)
IMG_0779.jpg (Md. Iftekhar Hussain Khan)
IMG_0779.jpg (Md. Iftekhar Hussain Khan)
IMG_0884.jpg (Md. Iftekhar Hussain Khan)
IMG_0884.jpg (Md. Iftekhar Hussain Khan)
Kecak Dance Bali  (Patrick Maechler)
Kecak Dance Bali (Patrick Maechler)
Look Ma ! (Ernesto Rocco)
Look Ma ! (Ernesto Rocco)
Family Values (Bob White)
Family Values (Bob White)
Good Conversation (Charles William Lawrence)
Good Conversation (Charles William Lawrence)