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Rag Picker (Ashok Viswanathan)

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I was walking the narrow cobble streets of Pushkar shooting iimages of
the Pushkar Camel Fair in Rajastan, late last year. Sitting at a street side café I
used my Nikon D100 with a 70-300 Nikon AF ED lens to capture portraits of the
colourfull people who visited the fair. I sae this “rag picker” walking down the
street with his shoulder bag full of waste paper, plastic and rags that he had
collected all day. His manner, posture and dress drew my attention. I waited till he
came into a shaft of light to click this powerfull image. While he resembles some
kind of Rajastani royalty from the years by gone, the fact that he uses his sword
to collect rags is what makes the incongruity. The cap on his head replaces a
“crown”. The dress and his expression is what makes the image work.

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