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Macastat | profile | all galleries >> Exploring a Tenuous Reality - my Photo a Day >> Journey Into a PUBLIC MARKET tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Journey Into a PUBLIC MARKET

There is a public market in Viroqua, Wisconsin.

It is one of the few public markets in America.

The market exists, in most part as a means for people to interconnect. Humanity comes to the agora to exchange goods, money and dreams. These enticing treasures float and mix in the sweet air of the public market.

Like I always say, trade with thy neighbor, the merchant -lest distant conglomerates subvert them....

Main Street Station - Public Market.
Read more of my Journey - visit my Blog

Market Happenings
<< Market Happenings >>
The Historic Viroqua Public Market, Viroqua, WI USA
<< The Historic Viroqua Public Market, Viroqua, WI USA >>
Main Street Station
Main Street Station
Outside the Public Market
Outside the Public Market
Flowers at a Public Market
Flowers at a Public Market
Packed Market
Packed Market
Rays of hope....      ...illuminate my parents' eyes
Rays of hope.... ...illuminate my parents' eyes
Main Street Station
Main Street Station
ridgetones play a packed house
ridgetones play a packed house
Cleaning the merchandise.jpg
Cleaning the merchandise.jpg
Vendors 1
Vendors 1
Fun in the Public Market
Fun in the Public Market
Gregory Splinter's Stream of Consciousness
Gregory Splinter's Stream of Consciousness
intermission II
intermission II
Intuitive Reading
Intuitive Reading
James Draws Light
James Draws Light
shopping in VIVA
shopping in VIVA
Image Through Window: A Rainbow Emanates from Frank
Image Through Window: A Rainbow Emanates from Frank
Before the work - Summer 2003
Before the work - Summer 2003
Conversation at Bellisimo's New Bar
Conversation at Bellisimo's New Bar
Kitchen Carvers
Kitchen Carvers
Free Range Circus Crowd
Free Range Circus Crowd
proud pep rolls
proud pep rolls
fun with a camera
fun with a camera
Main Street Program Awards Dinner
Main Street Program Awards Dinner
trail of blue and red
trail of blue and red
a beautiful blending of humanity
a beautiful blending of humanity