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Macastat | all galleries >> Galleries >> Viroqua Enchantment... Heart of Unglaciated Wisconsin > lilac in wait
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02-FEB-2007 Tony Macasaet

lilac in wait

Viroqua, Wisconsin

Planted amidst the faltering lights of Autumn
she slumbers her fragrant flesh
until the giving photons of Spring
bestow hope and perfume to us all


work on our Documentary Film

::: :::

Read more of my Journey - visit my Blog

Sony DSLR-A100 ,Sigma 30mm f/1.4 EX DC HSM
1/2s f/1.4 at 30.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 03-Feb-2007 20:08
how pretty! Vote
Guest 03-Feb-2007 02:40
Look out those crystals too! Awesome. V
Guest 02-Feb-2007 23:13
great composition and light
LM Gildersleeve02-Feb-2007 22:09
Nice capture of light on snow.