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LynnH | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2024 PaD > Possum Buddy.
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08-Feb-2024 Lynn H

Possum Buddy.

At Home

One of 3 opossums that visit my bird feeders. This one is lame, but still manages to climb our 6 foot fence.
Photo was taken through a screened window.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Carl Carbone14-Feb-2024 02:33
How sweet. I've only seen one in our yard once, but I know they're around.
Julie Oldfield13-Feb-2024 02:59
What a capture. So sweet. V
Raymond11-Feb-2024 06:56
They're so cute
laine11-Feb-2024 03:38
Such a cute visitor...our possums only come out in darkness.
Nick Paoni11-Feb-2024 01:05
Glad to see he isn't deterred by his physical limitation- inspiring.
Walter Otto Koenig10-Feb-2024 23:04
Cool peek at your backyard visitor.
Apostolos Tikopoulos10-Feb-2024 19:49
Well seen and captured. V
joseantonio10-Feb-2024 19:17
nice capture through the glass.V.