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LynnH | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2024 PaD > Chips & Salsa
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09-Feb-2024 Lynn H

Chips & Salsa

Missouri City, Texas

Waiting for my Margarita

motorola moto g stylus 5G
1/40s f/1.7 at 4.7mm iso706 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Doug Cruden03-Mar-2024 19:35
Making me hungry!! I'll have some to please 😄
Carl Carbone14-Feb-2024 02:32
Had some for lunch today!
larose forest photos14-Feb-2024 01:08
i'll take some! excellent shot! V
Julie Oldfield13-Feb-2024 03:00
I could go for that! V
Nick Paoni12-Feb-2024 21:21
Great way to pass the time until your drink arrives!
laine12-Feb-2024 18:34
You deserve a party...enjoy. :)
Walter Otto Koenig12-Feb-2024 16:58
Great combination! Salud!
Charlene Ambrose12-Feb-2024 07:23
Sounds like a nice evening!
waterfalls man11-Feb-2024 22:28
Very Nice Comp.
PauloCGama11-Feb-2024 17:15
Nicely composed.
Helen Betts11-Feb-2024 16:57
Perfect for the Super Bowl!
joseantonio11-Feb-2024 16:47
a nice combination.V.