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LynnH | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2024 PaD > Soup!
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07-Feb-2024 Lynn H


At Home

It was a dreary, soup kind of day.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Julie Oldfield13-Feb-2024 02:58
A wonderful way to warm up. V
laine11-Feb-2024 03:02
Love soup, cannot wait for winter to come. Short soup with won tons my favourite :) but this looks tempting.
Helen Betts10-Feb-2024 17:51
Looks perfect for a dreary day! We love soup at any time, although I prefer more recent recipes for soups that are thicker and more substantial than a lot of older recipes. Great presentation of this soup pack. V.
joseantonio10-Feb-2024 17:08
looks like a good plan.V