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Stu | all galleries >> Daily Bowl of Stu >> February 2006 > 622. Barco abandanado
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Cascais Stu

622. Barco abandanado

27 de Fevereiro de 2006

Despite it not being an official holiday here in Portugal, everybody seemed to be in a holiday mood... so much so that I was the only person who turned up for work (at my place of work, that is... not in the whole of Portugal). Realising the error of my ways, I finished what I was doing and went back to the flat to divest myself of the heavy laptop computer and get myself ready for an afternoon in the sun beside the sea in the company of a very lovely and interesting lady, Anabela Gabriel-Astrom. The sun shone, it was warm, and there were people on the beach! Anabela and I took a stroll along the promenade between Cascais and Estoril, stopping every now and then to take photographs and sit in cafes. Much better than sitting in an empty office staring at a computer screen.

Nikon D70 ,Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG ASP DF
1/30s f/7.1 at 24.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Buz Kiefer02-Mar-2006 22:07
Excellent image with spot on DoF.
Dominic Kite02-Mar-2006 09:31
Love the texture in the worn wood, works really well. And better than it appears the boat would!
Johan Toll01-Mar-2006 14:42
Beautiful colours and DOF! Love the details and sharpness!
Douglas Stucky28-Feb-2006 04:22
Very nice!
...duncan28-Feb-2006 02:28
Love the bouncing light in the boat. Well done.
markvm27-Feb-2006 23:58
I like the roughness of this, Stu. I have to get out of Kentucky! Wanna trade?,,,:)
SRW27-Feb-2006 22:55
Fantastic spot... -- and great DoF...!
J. Scott Coile27-Feb-2006 22:46
Well used. Love it!
Guest 27-Feb-2006 22:39
Nice shot. Sounds like a nice day, too!
Coleen Perilloux Landry27-Feb-2006 22:29
Anything's better than sitting in an office! Lovely blues here.
Linda Alstead27-Feb-2006 22:21
delightful shot...and sounds like a great afternoon!